Kicking it into High Gear

A positive note to school being closed and having to go digital: that is some giant motivation to get my website, Instagram, and Twitter up and running!

While I am now feeling waaaay more prepared for teaching on a digital platform my office / workspace / hold everything that might be art-related space was not quite prepared to become my art room away from school.
My goal for this year was to complete my website and connect with my students, parents, and the art community through platforms such as Instagram and Twitter.
So, while my room is probably a bigger disaster than any mess my students could possibly make at home, I am set to go on the digital platform! All I could think as I was working on making sure everything was good to go was WHY didn't I do this sooner?!
Making Connections
On my journey prepping for these digital days I have explored so many fellow teachers' sites searching for ideas and inspiration. Let me say a big thank you to everyone else on top of their teacher life that had so many great examples for me to explore!
It was motivating to see the ways that educators are using these online platforms to engage, connect, and inspire. I hope the momentum I get from being digital these next few weeks will continue and grow as I learn to use new ways to connect with my students and community.