4th Grade: Week 3 of our Digital Lesson
We've almost finished our creatures! This week we'll be working on bringing them to life a little bit by adding some color! Don't forget, our focus is still on symmetry!
What animals or creature did you reference (look at or think about) as you were creating your own fabulous beast? How will that inform or affect the colors you use?
Your colors don't have to mimic any animal that you might have taken inspiration from. Be creative and inventive! I gravitated towards the green, yellow, and light blue because of the similarities my creature had with a frog, bird and bee. You can go a different route with yours if you'd like!
Come up with some of the colors you'd like to use before you get started. Do you want them to pop and stand out or would you rather the colors be similar to each other? I used markers on my piece but you are free to use any materials to add color to yours!
Keeping the Symmetry
The most important thing to remember as you work is to keep the symmetry as you add color. Animals, like humans, are naturally symmetrical and this is reflected in their color. If as you're working you find that you need more areas to add color or want to break up a section go for it. Go back to your pencil and sharpie and add to one side, trace, and repeat. You may find that your design keeps changing and evolving as you work on it!
Whatever you do to one side, you have to do to the other.
If I color the eyelid on the left blue, than the eyelid on the right also has to be blue. One foot is red, than so is the other, make sense? The goal is to keep the symmetry all the through the piece, even as we add color to it. Be thoughtful about the color choices you're making.
Check out these other examples below for more awesome ideas. When you are finished you'll be uploading your final piece into a new activity in Seesaw. Can't wait to see them!!